
WebSphere Application Server installation Steps

1. Silent installation:

Installing IBM Installation Manager:

Go to the path where you have downloaded the IBM IM Zip file

For e.g.

unzip the file by using unzip command


Once extracted, you should see following

Now we will checked IM install.xml file
and open it
[root@localhost IM]# vi install.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<agent-input clean='true' temporary='true'>
<repository location='.'/>
<offering features='agent_core,agent_jre' id='' version='1.8.8000.20171130_1105'/>
Now we will take the back-up of existing install.xml and edit original install.xml file with manual script(repository path and installation location, version)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--The "acceptLicense" attribute has been deprecated. Use "-acceptLicense" command line option to accept license agreements.-->
<agent-input acceptLicense='true'>
<repository location='/app/binary/IM'/>
<profile id='IBM Installation Manager' installLocation='/app/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse' kind='self'>
<data key='eclipseLocation' value='/app/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse'/>
<data key='user.import.profile' value='false'/>
<install modify='false'>
<offering id='' version='1.8.8000.20171130_1105' profile='IBM Installation Manager' features='agent_core,agent_jre' installFixes='none'/>

Installing IM :
We will execute below command and This will install IBM IM in the location /app/IBM/InstallationManager.

./userinstc -acceptLicense --launcher.ini user-silent-install.ini -log /app/binary/IM/install.xml
/app/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools---> ./imcl -version


WAS_ND installation:

After installing IBM IM, we will proceed to install IBM WAS. We will first check the available packages / offerings in the WAS Binaries which we have downloaded. We will refer those as repositories.
Go to Installation Manager installation directory and navigate to eclipse/tools directory
[root@localhost app]# cd /app/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools
 And trigger below command.

[root@localhost tools]# ./imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories /app/binary/WAS_ND
above is the package/offering ID
Go to Installation_Manager_path/eclipse/tools directory and execute below command :
./imcl -s install <offering_id> -repositories <WAS_Repository_path> -installationDirectory <path_to_install_WAS> -acceptLicense -sP
[root@localhost tools]#./imcl install -installationDirectory /app/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer -repositories /app/binary/WAS_ND -acceptLicense -showProgress

You will see the below message in screenshot as 
Installed to the /app/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer directory.
IBM WAS ND has been successfully installed. You can check this by running from WAS_ROOT/bin directory.
Go to /app/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin directory
And execute the command : ./
[root@localhost tools]# cd /app/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin
[root@localhost bin]# ./



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