Application Deployment

Application Deployment on WAS

a)Open the admin console

ex: http://localhost:9060/ibm/console

b)Expand "Application"------>Expand "Application Types"------>Click on "WebSphere enterprise application". Then click on "Install".

c)Select your application by click on "Choose File". Then Click on "Sever".

d)Here I explain "Fast Path"  installation process. So, Select "Fast Path". Then  click on "Next".

e)Now Follow the Steps to complete this task.

Step 1:Select installation options

Leave default values. Then click on "Next".

Step 2:Map modules to servers

Select application and Apply to servers & Web servers to map modules to servers. Then click on "Next"

Step 3:Map virtual hosts for Web modules

Select "defult_host". Then click on "Next".

Step 4:Map context roots for Web modules

Specify Context Root. Then click on "Next".

ex: reservation

Step 5:Summary

verify summary and click on "Finish"

6)If application is successful it will show like this

7)Click on "Review" and Select "Synchronize changes with Nodes" check box. Then click on "save" button.

8)Click on "OK".

9)Now start the application and verify the application through browser by sending request.

ex: http://localhost:9080/reservation

Note:9080  -----Port no.

reservation -------->Context root which I specified at Step 4.

If u map with Web server u can verify like this



Deploy applicaiton use below wsadmin script

./ -lang jython

>AdminApp.install('location of ear.ear','[-node nodeName -cell cellName -server servername]')



>AdminApp.install('C:\Users\krishna\Desktop\New folder\PlantsByWebSphere.ear','[-node localhostNode02 -cell localhostCell01 -server server1]')


To deploy into the cluster

>AdminApp.install('location of ear.ear','[-cluster clusterName]')



>AdminApp.install('location of ear.ear','[-cluster CLUSTER1]')


("CLUSTER1", "localhostNode02", "server1")


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