
WebSphere Application Server

What is WebSphere Application Server  ? WebSphere is a set of Java-based tools from IBM that allows customers to create and manage sophisticated business Web sites. The central WebSphere tool is the WebSphere Application Server (WAS), an application server that a customer can use to connect Web site users with Java applications or servlets. IBM released WebSphere Application Server 8.5 in June 2012 and 8.5.5 in June 2013 A pplication Server provides the infrastructure to host enterprise application. It handles application operation between user request to backend business application like a database, messaging, etc. Enterprise application, which is usually transactional based or heavily used, must have an application server with built-in redundancy, high availability, and performance oriented like WebSphere Application Server. Application Server usually sits between Web Server and Database or another backend like messaging, etc. Below is the typic

Session Management Part 2

Session affinity In a clustered environment, any HTTP requests associated with an HTTP  session must be routed to the same Web application in the same JVM.  Each server ID is appended to the session ID. When an HTTP session is created, its  ID is passed back to the browser as part of a cookie or URL encoding. When the  browser makes further requests, the cookie or URL encoding will be sent back to  the Web server. The Web server plug-in examines the HTTP session ID in the  cookie or URL encoding, extracts the unique ID of the cluster member handling  the session, and forwards the request.  Note:  Session affinity can still be broken if the cluster member handling the  request fails. To avoid losing session data, use persistent session  management. In persistent sessions mode, cache ID and server ID will  change in the cookie when there is a failover or when the session is read from  the persistent store, so do not rely on the value of the session cookie  remaining the same for a gi

Session Management Part-1

WebSphere Application Server Session Management Session support allows a Web application developer to maintain state information across multiple user visits to the application.  We will cover below points 1. HTTP session management 2. Session manager configuration 3. Session identifiers 4. Local sessions 5. General properties for session management 6. Session affinity 7. Persistent session management 1.HTTP session management: When an HTTP client interacts with a servlet, the state information associated with a series of client requests is represented as an HTTP session and identified by a session ID. Session management is responsible for managing HTTP sessions, providing storage for session data, allocating session IDs, and tracking the session ID associated with each client request through the use of cookies or URL rewriting techniques. 2.Session manager configuration: Session management in WebSphere Application Server can be defined at the follow

Understanding SSL

Understanding SSL: There are many ways to go about creating an SSL connection between servers,  and the best one for your situation will depend upon the type of protocol you're planning to tunnel through it. As you probably know, the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) allows the use of encryption to protect data sent via a TCP/IP connection. The most commonly used implementation of SSL is the HTTPS protocol: a secure encrypted alternative to HTTP for transferring information over the Web. Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL ) is a computer networking protocol for securing connections between network application clients and servers over an insecure network, such as the internet. Due to numerous protocol and implementation flaws and vulnerabilities, SSL was deprecated for use on the internet by the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF ) in 2015 and has been replaced by the Transport Layer Security ( TLS ) protocol. While TLS and SSL are not interoperable, TLS is backwards-compatible with